Thursday, June 09, 2005

The American Dream

When Jay pulled the trigger he had been thinking of nothing in particular.
It’s true that moments earlier he had been imagining himself climbing a wall of human flesh using two ice picks, but at the moment the trigger was pulled, nothing.
The blast had almost clean blown the hookers head right off.
Karen, on the other hand, had hardly reacted at all.
Indeed her mouth had opened expectantly, but her eyes stood transfixed as before, glued to the recorded 911 footage that played upon the television screen.
However, there was a perceptible increase in the speed of the machinations of her right hand, beneath her leather mini-skirt and as the second plane hit she reached orgasm.
After a time, Karen became aware of the grisly scene around her. Her boyfriend Jay was rolling around in the blood of a decapitated hooker. The walls were red with her blood. It dripped from every naked place.
K: What’s gotten into you?
J: (looking up) What you mean?
K: What’s with the mess?
J: (Irritated) How the hell should I know?
K: I’m not cleaning that shit up!
J: We’ll just get a new apartment.
S: Hello there! I’ve just come in through the window. Lovely night for it. You got any pizza?
Said a voice from behind them.

It is unclear what Slane Stockton’s motives for breaking into Jay Watchchild’s apartment could have been other than burglary. The idea of breaking and entering an apartment for the sake of a slice of pizza is indeed a ludicrous one. However this was the reason Stockton later divulged to police.


Blogger Michael said...

I may have been to hasty.The change is a gradual one.May linger for a while longer.

6:32 PM  
Blogger Michael said...

Still some excrement in the system.

6:40 PM  
Blogger Mirepoix said...

I too tried to run from the excrement and even went so far as to start an entirly new blog and hide my "high colonic" but the truth is the shit will always be there. It is best to just relax, embrace it or you might end up constipated. "Fiber" for the soul also helps. (whatever that might be is up to you)

1:29 AM  
Blogger Mirepoix said...

I thought this was quite funny. perhaps I should seek mental help

1:31 AM  
Blogger Robert said...

I like your style Mike. One which is might appropriate for a story in the near future. And then give back to you in tatters. Har.

And how am I a sick puppy when you are writing stuff like this?

6:15 AM  
Blogger Kelly said...

Good stuff M. I knew you still had a lot to put out there.

12:37 PM  
Blogger Mirepoix said...

Rob - this is funny b/c of the juxtaposition of the attitudes of M's characters. She's wanking and pissed that he's made a mess. while your characters are straight out of american psycho,

7:17 PM  
Blogger Michael said...

Yeah, i quess your right Sabi, i should just relax and let it come naturally.When i'm ready the change from darkness to sunlight will come.
Rob, take the style and do as you will.What's mine is yours.
I think some yoga or tai chi could be the fiber i need.
Jesus Rob, how can i repay you for introducing me to Superwolf."My home is the Sea" is stunning as is the rest.

8:12 PM  
Blogger Robert said...

Hey, a beast for thee is a wonderful song. Listen with earphones for added value.

2:30 AM  
Blogger Blogger said...

แทงบาคาร่า You outdid yourself today!

4:36 AM  

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